


On Page Analysis

  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Keyword Research
  • Heading Tags
  • Image Tags
  • Tracking Codes (Google Analytics, Google Webmaster)
  • Speed Issues
  • Content Analysis


In this plan, we will provide the following things. Or we can say that we will do these things in Platinum SEO pack.

On Page Analysis

  • Meta Tags Creation
  • Keyword Research
  • Heading Tags
  • Image Tags
  • Tracking Codes (Google Analytics, Google Webmaster)
  • Speed Issues
  • Content Analysis

Off Page Tasks

  • Search Engine Submissions
  • Article Syndication
  • Blog Optimization
  • Web 2.0 Properties
  • Company Profile Creation
  • Document Sharing
  • Social Bookmarking (High quality)
  • Press Release Marketing
  • Broken Links Checking
  • RSS Feed Marketing
  • PPT Marketing
  • Forums
  • Image Sharing
  • Video Marketing
  • PBN Creation

Additional Activities for Local Top Rankings

  • Local Rankings
  • Guaranteed Information Quality
  • Industry/Niche Research
  • Authority Directories
  • Data-aggregators (e.g. LocalEze)

Other tasks:

  • Social Media Check: I will check and analyze the social media integration is done on the website. I will check that all the social sharing buttons are present on the website and we also have accounts on main social media websites. I will also analyze the activities on social media websites if we already have accounts for that.
  • Competition Analysis: I will do a competition analysis and research in depth the way they are optimizing their website. I will research their content marketing strategies, linking methods, keyword targeting etc. This will help a lot in targeting our website for the competitive keywords.
  • Competitor’s Back link list creation & Analysis: I will research the back links of the competitors. I will create a list of the websites on which our competitors have back links. I will target the niche relevant, high quality websites and will create our back links on them as well.


  • Google Adwords
  • Facebook Ads
  • Insta Ads


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