Basics of Servlet

  1. Servlet: What and Why?
  2. Basics of Web
  3. Servlet API
  4. Servlet Interface
  5. Generic Servlet
  6. Http Servlet
  7. Servlet Life Cycle
  8. Working with Apache Tomcat Server
  9. Steps to create a servlet in Tomcat
  10. How servlet works?
  11. servlet in Myeclipse
  12. servlet in Eclipse
  13. servlet in Net beans

Servlet Request

  1. Servlet Request methods
  2. Registration example with DB

Servlet Collaboration

  1. Request Dispatcher
  2. send Redirect

Servlet Config

  1. Servlet Config methods
  2. Servlet Config example

Servlet Context

  1. Servlet Context methods
  2. Servlet Context example


  1. How to set, get and remove example?

Session Tracking

  1. Cookies
  2. Hidden Form Field
  3. URL Rewriting
  4. HttpSession

Event and Listener


  1. Filter
  2. Authentication Filter
  3. Filter Config
  4. Useful examples

Servlet Input Stream and Servlet Output Stream

Annotation Servlet

Project Development JSP

Basics of JSP

  1. Life cycle of JSP
  2. JSP API
  3. JSP in Eclipse and other IDE’s
Scripting elements
  1. scriptlet tag
  2. expression tag
  3. declaration tag

9 Implicit Objects

  1. out
  2. request
  3. response
  4. config
  5. application
  6. session
  7. pageContext
  8. page
  9. exception

Directive Elements

  1. page directive
  2. include directive
  3. taglib directive

Exception Handling


Action Elements

  1. jsp:forward
  2. jsp:include
  3. Bean class
  4. jsp:useBean
  5. jsp:setProperty & jsp:getProperty
  6. Displaying applet in JSP

Expression Language



Custom tags

  1. Custom Tag : What and Why?
  2. Custom Tag API?
  3. Custom Tag Example
  4. Attributes
  5. Iteration
  6. Custom URI

Project Development in JSP

JavaMail API

  1. Sending Email
  2. Sending email through Gmail server
  3. Receiving Email
  4. Sending HTML content

Design Pattern

  1. Singleton
  2. DAO
  3. DTO
  4. MVC
  5. Front Controller
  6. Factory Method
  7. etc.


  1. JUnit: What and Why?
  2. Types of Testing
  3. Annotations used in JUnit
  4. Assert class
  5. Test Cases


  1. Maven: What and Why?
  2. Ant Vs Maven
  3. How to install Maven?
  4. Maven Repository
  5. Understanding pom.xml
  6. Maven Example
  7. Maven Web App Example
  8. Maven using Eclipse

Struts 2

Basics of Struts2

  1. Struts : What and Why?
  2. Model1 vs Model2
  3. Struts2 Features
  4. Steps to create Struts2 application
  5. Understanding Action class
  6. Understanding struts.xml file
  7. Struts2 in Eclipse IDE
  8. Struts2 in Myeclipse IDE

Core Components

  1. Interceptors
  2. ValueStack
  3. ActionContext
  4. ActionInvocation
  5. OGNL

Struts 2 Architecture


Struts2 Action

  1. Action Interface
  2. ActionSupport class

Struts2 Configuration

  1. multi configuration
  2. multi namespace


  1. Custom Interceptor : Life Cycle of Interceptor
  2. params interceptor
  3. execAndWait interceptor
  4. prepare interceptor
  5. modelDriven interceptor
  6. exception interceptor
  7. fileUpload interceptor

Struts 2 Validation

  1. Custom Validation : workflow interceptor
  2. Input Validation : validation interceptor
  3. Ajax Validation : jsonValidation interceptor

Aware Interfaces

  1. ServletActionContext
  2. SessionAware
  3. Login and Logout Application
  4. ServletContextAware

Struts2 with I18N


Zero Configuration

  1. By convention
  2. By annotation

Struts2 with Tiles2


Hibernate with Struts2


Spring with Struts2


Project Development in Struts2


Working with IDE


  1. Eclipse IDE
  2. Netbeans IDE
  3. Myeclipse IDE

Working with Servers


  1. Apache Tomcat
  2. Glassfish Server
  3. JBoss Server
  4. Weblogic Server


Introduction to JavaEE

  1. The Need for JavaEE.
  2. Overview on the JavaEE Architecture
    1. 1 tier
    2. 2 tier
    3. 3 tier
    4. N tier
  3. JavaEE Key Standards

Introduction to EJB3

  1. The EJB Model
  2. Key Services of the Application Server

Developing Session Beans

  1. Stateless Session Beans
  2. Stateful Session Beans
  3. Packaging
  4. Writing Clients

Using Dependency Injection

  1. No More JNDI
  2. Injection of EJBContext


  1. JMS Overview
  2. JMS Messaging Domains
  3. Example of JMS using Queue
  4. Example of JMS using Topic

Message Driven Beans


Persistence Introduction to JPA

  1. Object Relational Mapping
  2. Mapping configurations
  3. Embedded Objects
  4. EJBQL

Web Technology


  1. Introduction to HTML
  2. HTML Tags
  3. Creating Forms
  4. Creating tables
  5. Managing home page


  1. Introduction to CSS
  2. Three ways to use CSS
  3. CSS Properties
  4. Designing website
  5. Working with Templates


  1. Introduction to Javascript
  2. Three ways to use Javascript
  3. Working with events
  4. Client-side Validation


  1. Introduction to JQuery
  2. Validation using JQuery
  3. JQuery Forms
  4. JQuery Examples


  1. Introduction to AJAX
  2. Servlet and JSP with AJAX
  3. Interacting with database