Adobe Illustrator CS6 is a sophisticated vector drawing tools. You can create distinctive designs with precise shape-building tools, fluid and painterly brushes, and advanced path controls.



  1. creating a new document
  2. more about the document
  3. page tool



  1. selection tool
  2. direct selection
  3. group selection
  4. selection lassos
  5. selecting stray points
  6. magic wand selection


The Pen Tools

  1. pen introduction
  2. convert anchor point
  3. additional and sub anchors
  4. joining anchors


Layers and Grouping

  1. layers introduction
  2. organizing layers
  3. selecting layers
  4. grouping layers
  5. group selection
  6. duplicating layers
  7. sub-layers
  8. collect and flatten
  9. creating templates
  10. placing paths


The Stroke

  1. stroke basics
  2. capitals and joining
  3. the dashed line
  4. scaling strokes



  1. the type tool
  2. area type tool
  3. path type
  4. vertical type tool
  5. block text
  6. rows and columns
  7. wrap text
  8. missing font
  9. creating outlines
  10. spell checking
  11. font attributes
  12. character palette
  13. formatting paragraphs
  14. type transformation


Shape Objects

  1. rectangle tool
  2. rounded rectangle tool
  3. ellipse tool
  4. polygon tool
  5. star tool
  6. flare tool
  7. the spaz modifier



  1. scale tool
  2. scaling patterns
  3. rotation tool
  4. rotating a pattern
  5. reflect tool
  6. twist tool
  7. :sheer tool
  8. reshape tool
  9. :re-positioning art


Aligning and Distributing

  1. object alignment
  2. mouse directed movement


Line Tools

  1. line segment tool
  2. arc tool
  3. spiral tool
  4. rectangular grid tool
  5. polar grid tool
  6. spaz line tool
  7. moving lines


Compound Path and Clipping Mask

  1. clipping masks
  2. clipping paths


Applying Color

  1. color introduction
  2. adobe color picker
  3. color palette
  4. swatches palette
  5. color picker theft


The Pencil Tools

  1. basic pencil tool
  2. smooth tool
  3. eraser tool


The Brush Tool

  1. paintbrush introduction
  2. calligraphic brush
  3. art brush
  4. pattern brush
  5. loading and saving brushes



  1. gradients introduction
  2. editing gradients
  3. gradient libraries


Transparency and Masking

  1. object opacity
  2. targeted transparency
  3. transparency clipping
  4. transparency masking
  5. knockout group
  6. blending modes


Enveloping and Meshes

  1. envelope introduction
  2. using the warp
  3. using the mesh
  4. utilizing the top object
  5. text distortions
  6. envelope options


Smart Guides and Rulers

  1. rulers introduction
  2. creating guides
  3. smart guides
  4. extruding text
  5. smart guide options
  6. grids
  7. measure and info tools


Scissor and Knife

  1. the scissor tool
  2. the knife tool



  1. pathfinder shape modes
  2. using pathfinders



  1. liquefy tools
  2. more lignifications


Appearance and Styles

  1. styles introduction
  2. multiple strokes and fills
  3. converting effect to shape
  4. group appearance
  5. the text bug
  6. distort and transform
  7. offset path effect
  8. pathfinder effects
  9. rasterizing
  10. document rasterization
  11. stylize effects
  12. pixel effects
  13. warp effects
  14. moving and linking styles
  15. sticky styles
  16. reducing and clearing styles
  17. making and saving styles
  18. over-riding character color



  1. filter introduction
  2. creating trim marks
  3. pen and ink
  4. more lignifications


The Blend Tool

  1. blending introduction
  2. blending multiple objects


Charts and Graphs

  1. creating graphs
  2. changing the graph type
  3. coloring graphs
  4. styling type
  5. column designs
  6. value divisions
  7. design markers
  8. other line graphs


RGB and Screen Graphics

  1. rgb introduction
  2. snap to pixel
  3. moving snap pixel


Saving for the Web

  1. viewing for the web
  2. web prep overview
  3. sizing images
  4. saving as jpeg
  5. matting a jpeg
  6. saving as gif
  7. making a lossy gif
  8. gradients and gif
  9. saving as swf
  10. swf problems
  11. saving as svg
  12. svg effects


Slicing for the Web

  1. creating slices
  2. slice options
  3. optimizing slices


Image Maps

  1. creating image maps
  2. saving and previewing


Symbols and Symbol

  1. symbol introduction
  2. creating custom symbols
  3. building blocks
  4. symbol sprayer
  5. symbol shifter tool
  6. symbol scruncher
  7. symbol sizer
  8. symbol spinner
  9. symbol stainer
  10. symbol screener
  11. symbol styler
  12. saving default symbols


Image and Photoshop Integration

  1. placing images
  2. linking
  3. photoshop layers
  4. type for photoshop
  5. photoshop shapes


Variables Palette

  1. making variables
  2. styling variables
  3. automating printing
  4. graph variables
  5. changing data
  6. saving and loading data
  7. linked images
  8. deleting a data set


Auto Trace Feature

  1. auto trace
  2. auto trace preferences


Customizing the Keyboard

  1. creating your own shortcuts